Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Paulas Choice and Pocketderm To the Rescue?

So now that I have (at least temporarily~knock wood) overcome the dreaded perioccular dermatitis, I am left with skin that looks older, feels less elastic, and looks dull. I have lines that are no longer fine. I feel like I look my age for the first time in my life. So, I google the hell outta skin issues. I, either by the grace of god or google (Paula Begoun's web designers are geniuses who have saturated the PC website with sensitive skin keywords which result in a lot of filtered traffic) found Paulas Choice. If you haven't checked out the site, it might be worth your while to do so now. You can pick a broad range of skin topics and get tailor made suggestions just for you. It's a mid range line, money wise, but the products are all tested rigorously and proven to be gentle and ph balanced. Plus (and this is my favorite part!) you get free samples with each order. YAY! 

Also, your first order is $10 off using this link:  https://goo.gl/7Q3OwP

I got a trial size of retinol (see below) for $5 plus 3 free samples and free shipping with my code!!! Everything they sell has a money back guarantee. I haven't had to use that service yet as their products work with my skin. A+ to that!
Onto those products now... So, I decided to bite the bullet and begin a retinol treatment. After much research, I decided to try Paulas Choice 1% retinol. I got the trial size:

This is my face after 3 weeks of sporadic use. 

I began by applying this once every three nights. At first it peeled like a mofo. That sucked but such is beauty. So, I began to add in a drop of Argan oil to dilute and found that I was no longer peeling! So, then I ramped it up to every other night and am now (in my third week) able to use it every night. I am almost out of my trial size and planned to order the full size (it's a great retinol for a great price) when I heard about Pocketderm. Pocketderm? Well, I'm still new to it, but I will tell you what I have learned so far. Pocketderm is a consortium of practicing dermatologists who joined together to make prescription dermalogical treatments available (by mail) to the masses. Basically, you send in a photo of your face, write a description of the problem including whether you are seeking treatment for acne or aging and they formulate a remedy just for you. Trenitoin can be expensive, especially without insurance...not to mention the doctor's visit....And if you need a prescription, they can write you one of those too (skin related of course :/). So, for all that specialized treatment, you pay $49.95 every 3 months. Again, I like to try things on for size before I buy them so was psyched to see that you can get a one month free trial with a handy dandy referral link (once you create your own account you can send your friends and family links too!!) 
here's my link: https://goo.gl/7Q3OwP

Mine hasn't come yet but it should arrive by the time I am out of my PC 1% retinol so It will be nice to compare the two. Here are the unflattering shots I sent to Pocketderm and the response they sent me.

From Pocketderm;  
Great to meet you, and happy to be partnering with you in keeping your skin looking young! As you know, the most important factor is sun protection - check out our blog post: http://blog.pocketderm.com/three-photos-that-will-convince-you-wear-sunscreen After reviewing your photos and the information you provided, I have prescribed a customized medication that is meant to be applied once daily before going to bed. The medication contains: – tretinoin 0.012% – vitamin C (magnesium ascorbyl phosphate) 5% – niacinamide 4% Given your history, this is a gentle strength of tretinoin that should allow your skin to adjust gradually without much irritation. We may increase the strength in the future depending on how your skin does. If direct application of your PocketDerm formulation after evening cleansing is too irritating or drying, try applying your moisturizer first. Feel free to use more moisturizer should you feel too dry. (And FYI, I know several dermatologists who use their tretinoin topical medications only a couple times a week or so and maintain this frequency long-term.) In the short term you're most likely to see improvements with skin texture, and for many people, partial fading of sun-induced dark spots. After months of use, many people notice softening of fine lines. We'll email you when your medication has shipped. You will receive a reminder to check back with me before your next shipment, but I would always be happy to hear from you sooner. Please let me know if you have any questions! Best Regards, Charlene Kakimoto, MD PocketDerm 

 Will update when it comes and good luck if you try it. Next up AHAs and BHAs

1 comment:

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